This and its clones are simple text editors, which support multiple styles, fonts, sizes (and colors), and word wrap automatically. They are currently limited to 32,000 characters each. Each can open and print text files both from within DeskMates, and also from the Finder (eg using the drag and drop of System 7). You can resize its window by the zoom box at top right or by dragging the grow box at the bottom right. New NoteBooks will only appear when there is one already active and the NoteBook menu item under the tools menu is selected again). The maximum number of NoteBooks is limited only by available memory.
Each will open and display text files, allow you to alter the contents and then save the new version. The Search For... menu item allows rapid finding of text, and includes a powerful grep facility if needed (courtesy of FaceWare). You can set the text attributes using the Text menu (Font, Size, Style, Color), change the case of selected text, or change carriage returns (and line feed symbols) into spaces, and adjust the Editor settings (Editor Setup... menu item). Note that the line height is set for the whole editor in this dialog, so if you increase the font size and find the lines overlap, you can increase the line height to show all the text properly (though the default value of zero handles most cases).
Note that the Record feature of the Calculator will place the sequential operations into the topmost NoteBook (or a hidden one if none are initialized - if there is sufficient memory available).
•Just type where you see the flashing insertion cursor. If the text moves below the content area of the window, then automatic scrolling will keep the cursor in view.
•Enlarging the window will show more text (which will readjust to fit).
•Clicking in the text moves the insertion point. Double-clicking will select a word, and triple-clicking a line. The delete key will delete the selection or previous characters sequentially.
•Menu commands work as expected, and include Open..., Close, Save, Save As... (to save under a different name), Revert (to saved version on disc), Page Setup... (for your currently chosen printer), Print... (likewise), Cut, Copy, Paste and Clear. In addition, you can use the Find... (or ⌘F) item to look for an occurrence of text anywhere in the document. This is a powerful text searching utility with its own help (command key combinations are shown too), and clicking the right hand check box allows even more searching flexibility (ie grep). Next Case (⌘G) will initiate a search for the next instance of the requested find string.
•The Editor Setup... shows further NoteBook display and key options and also has its own brief help.
•The justification icons below the help icon will apply left, center or right justification to all the text in the editor.
•You can also use the Change Case menu items on some selected text, and the Time Stamp and Date Stamp (which also add a carriage return), and whose options can be preset (& saved) via the Preferences dialog box.